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Squash Violin Butternut

    Squash Violin Butternut


    Squash Violin Butternut Seeds

    Squash Violin Butternut fall and winter is a delicious Butternut with improved fruit uniformity and increased yields. Interior is solid and dry. Pick young and use like summer Squash or let mature to 6 lbs. Excellent for storing. Ready about 85 days after sowing.

    20-30 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO

    Squash are a hot weather crop. They need full Sun and deep rich well drained organic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Before sow/plant work in lots of compost. Directly sow seed outdoors from late May to mid June 2.5 cm (1″) deep in hills 2.4 m (8′) apart with 4-6 seeds per hill. After germination, thin to 3 plants per hill. Seed can be started indoors 3 weeks before the plant out date. Squash do not transplant well–use paper or pots that can be set directly in the soil. Protect mature squash from frost and cold temperatures.


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