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SunBlaster 48
SunBlaster 48
SunBlaster 48

    SunBlaster 48" T5HO Fixture & Bulb

    $39.00 $46.00

    SunBlaster 48" T5HO Fixture & Bulb

    The Light Kit is still available today and is great for a variety of growing applications. The Light Kits come standard with a 6400K grow lamp pre-installed.

    SunBlaster 48" T5HO Fixture & Bulb is great for  propagation of seedlings, cutting or getting your plants started right from seed. The 6400K grow lamp will also grow to finish many leafy green products , baby greens and all kinds of herbs.

    Cannabis clones love the SunBlaster 6400K light spectrum and have been used for years by Commercial & Home Growers alike for getting their Cannabis plants off to their very best starts.

    We have a three different lighting spectrum lamps available for our SunBlaster T5HO Lighting Kits and Combos.

    • 6400K - propagation & growth
    • 2700K - flowering
    • 10,000K -  custom applications 


    You can increase the already outstanding performance of these T5HO Light Kits, and maximize performance, by adding our NanoTech T5 Reflector.


    • 6400k T5 Bulb
    • T5 fixture
    • Power Cable
    • Link cord
    • Hanging Clips
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